Restylane® / Perlane® / Restylane Silk®
Three Versatile Fillers from the Restylane® Family used by Dr. Hernandez
Dr. Hernandez may recommend Restylane to patients in their quest for facial rejuvenation. This product can restore volume and fullness to the face and soften the moderate to severe lines and wrinkles that come with the natural aging process.
Since its introduction to the market, Restylane has been recognized as one of the most versatile injectables on the market. Today, the Restylane family of fillers includes the enhanced Restylane-L, Perlane-L and Restylane Silk.

Dr. Hernandez uses both Restylane-L and Perlane-L in many areas of the face. Both fillers are smooth gels enriched with hyaluronic acid, the body’s natural sugar, which retains vital hydrates that give your skin volume. Perlane has the additional advantage of having larger hyaluronan particles than those found in Restylane, making Perlane an ideal choice for deeper injections. The “L” indicates that the injectables contain lidocaine making the injections more comfortable for the patient. Restylane Silk is designed for lip enhancement and the smoothing of wrinkles around the mouth.
Consultation with Dr. Hernandez about Restylane® in Boca Raton
As with all surgical and non-surgical procedures with Dr. Hernandez, you will begin with a scheduled consultation and examination to discuss your personal concerns and needs. Based on this first meeting, the doctor will recommend a filler or injectable to address the specific issues and deficiencies that concern you.
Restylane can be used to fill in the creases of the nasolabial folds. In addition, it can return volume to the hollows in the temple region, when the natural fat pad diminishes. Restylane is also useful in correcting the sunken condition of the tear trough area in the lower eyelid region. It is most effective in tear trough correction, as it does not absorb as much fluid as do other fillers, yielding a smoother, naturally restored tear trough.

Perlane is thicker in consistency and a longer-lasting hyaluronan-based filler often used in the corners of the mouth and in deep areas like the jawline and cheek area. Its thicker composition and deeper injection combine to restore volume to these target areas.
With either Restylane-L or Perlane-L, there is minimal discomfort, bruising, and swelling.
Restylane Silk® used Specifically for Lip Enhancement
Restylane Silk is the newest filler in the Restylane / Perlane family of products. Recently approved by the FDA, it is designed to rejuvenate and restore the areas around the mouth and lips. Silk is similar to its sister products as it is a clear smooth gel, rich in hyaluronic acid. Best suited for restoring fullness to the lips, the gel solution contains smaller particles than regular Restylane-L. It is approved specifically for lip enhancement and the smoothing of wrinkles around the mouth.
“The constant movement of the mouth area expresses our thoughts and feelings. These everyday movements along with the natural loss of hyaluronic acids, collagens and elastins, coupled with the effects of gravity, cause the lips to lose their natural definition and contour. Restylane Silk works well to provide a softer contour around the mouth. With precise applications of Restylane Silk, I can restore a youthful natural smile projecting happiness and confidence,” says Dr. Hernandez.

For additional information, consult these resources on our website:
Contact the office of Dr. Hernandez today to schedule a consultation and find out if Restylane, Perlane or Restylane Silk is right for you.