
Dr. Hernandez with Linda Costello, R.N., CNOR

A facelift is a surgical procedure that your plastic surgeon may recommend as the best way to correct the effects of aging on the face and neck. Facelifts and other facial plastic surgery procedures have been the special focus of board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Vivian Hernandez for the past twenty years.

The facelift improves how we look and also how we feel about ourselves. Over time, the loss of fat and collagen hollow the face, loose skin sags below the jaw line, into the neck, and toward the center of the face. These effects can change the appearance so dramatically that they alter the self-image and diminish confidence. Dr. Hernandez applies precise surgical skills to the facial structures and feminine grace and sensibility to the patient as a person. Her results and patient testimonials speak for themselves.

Are You a Candidate for a Facelift?

There is no ideal candidate for a facelift. Each patient is unique. Heredity, environmental conditions, lifestyle, and stress influence how the facial structures react to time and gravity.

The majority of facelift patients are between the ages of 50 and 70. Many feel that their appearance has changed so much that it no longer matches their self-concept – who they think they are. Some experience diminished  self-esteem and social confidence. If you feel this way, you may be a candidate for a facelift. If you think that ageism has changed how you are viewed in your public or professional life, you may be a candidate for a facelift. In a private consultation, Dr. Hernandez will discuss all of your concerns and options and help you decide if facelift surgery is right for you.

Facelift Surgery Explained

Every surgeon approaches facelift surgery differently. Just as there is no ideal candidate for a facelift, there is no one way to perform a facelift.

Dr. Hernandez was trained and mentored by the surgeons who influenced the field of plastic surgery. They wrote many of the textbooks that are in use today. During her years in their tutelage, she observed the techniques that produced the best outcomes, the least amount of scarring, and the most natural results. Her own approach to facelift surgery combines the best from the best.

In a facelift, Dr. Hernandez repositions the underlying muscle – the superficial musculo-aponeurotic system or “SMAS.” This provides a more natural and longer-lasting result than a “skin-only lift” which produces a pulled or unnatural look.

Dr. Hernandez advances the SMAS layer and positions it in a more favorable location. This enhances the mid-face and jaw line. The cheeks become more full, smooth, and natural and the jawline more contoured, as shown in this patient’s photos.  The loose skin is then draped over the anatomy without tension and the Doctor removes the excess.

Dr. Hernandez’s surgical skill and artistry are complimented by precise incision placement and meticulous wound closing. Her particular approach puts no stress or tension on the overlying tissues as they are closed. The result is a remarkable minimization of scaring.

Expect to allow two full weeks to recover from facelift surgery. Some patients may need a little more time than that. Each patient is unique as is the particular range of additional procedures the Doctor may perform in combination with your facelift.

Producing the Best Facelift Results

If you and Dr. Hernandez have decided that a facelift is the best way to address your particular problems and concerns, you may elect to correct other areas of the face at the same time. The best possible result is often produced when a facelift is combined with eyelid surgery, a brow lift, fat grafting, and/or laser resurfacing. These options will be discussed in your comprehensive consultation with Dr. Hernandez.

Facelift surgery requires twilight anesthesia as well as expert patient care and monitoring. These are provided by a board certified M.D. Anesthesiologist and a Registered Nurse. Dr. Hernandez’s outpatient surgical suite and on-site recovery suite are accredited by the American Association for Accreditation of Ambulatory Surgical Facilities. You can expect Dr. Hernandez to be personally involved in your follow-up care.

Choosing the Right Facelift Surgeon

Choice of facelift surgeon is critical to outcome, yet most people aren’t sure what to look for when making a selection. Our face represents us to the world. Trust yours to none other than a skilled and experienced plastic surgeon who is uniquely trained and qualified.

Examine the surgeon’s education and training. Consider their experience and reputation. Choose one who specializes in facelift surgery. Ask to speak to former patients who have had the same procedure(s) you are considering.  Narrow your candidate list to include only those who are Board Certified Plastic Surgeons.

A Board Certified Plastic Surgeon is an expert in the field of plastic surgery and is committed to providing quality patient care. They have completed a minimum of five years of surgical training following medical school, including a plastic surgery residency program.  They engage in ongoing professional development and assessment to maintain certification. A board certified plastic surgeon is able to offer patients the entire scope of cosmetic treatment modalities and are not limited in any way by a lack of training.

Dr. Vivian Hernandez is a board certified plastic surgeon. She has specialized in facelift and facial plastic surgery in her Boca Raton practice for the past twenty years. Contact the office for a comprehensive facelift consultation with Dr. Hernandez.

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