Jawline Correction

The jawline gives the face its basic definition. On a woman, the classic heart shape is enhanced and framed by the smoothness of the jawline. For a man, the jawline is a dramatic reference point signifying a strong personality and masculinity. When we see someone’s cheeks starting to deflate, causing a jowling effect, we are likely to remark about their age or how tired they look. Descending from the cheek area, the jawline can often become intensified or exaggerated by the deflation of the cheeks.

Jowling Along the Jawline

A loss of tissue support, combined with the relaxation of these tissues, can cause irregularities along the jawline – thus, the sagging. Relaxation of soft tissue in this area produces jowling. This can give the jawline a waviness that makes the face look square.

Dr. Hernandez can correct this prejowling indentation along the jawline with fillers. She uses hyaluronan injections like Juvederm XC, Restylane, Radiesse, or Sculptra, a collagen stimulant, to restore and bring back the contour of the jawline and some of that natural definition.

Contact us to learn more about jawline correction with Dr. Hernandez.